Phone : 39439247 Email : ontung@cuhk.edu.hk Personal Website : http://www.peu.cuhk.edu.hk/zh-tw/about-us/staff/wong-on-tungIntroduction
Mr. Wong On-tung is currently a lecturer of the Physical Education Unit at CUHK, who teaches PE required courses, health/fitness instructor of the American College of Sports Medicine. He received his degrees of MEd, PGDE, and BEd at CUHK.
Mr. Wong serves as lecturer and examiner of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong (PFAHK); executive member of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong; executive member of the Hong Kong Physical Education Teachers Society; lecturer of the Sports Coaching Course (ICC) of the Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited; reviewer of the Coach Education Programmes of the Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited.
Moreover, he is also the Coach of CUHK Men’s volleyball team and the convenor of the Intra-University Sports Activities Subcommittee of the Physical Education Unit. Mr. Wong’s research interests include physical education and teacher education, physical literacy, health and fitness.