Children and Youth Programmes


Designed and developed by scholars and practitioners of sports science and physical education from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PLACY provides 3 levels of standardized assessments that focus on diversity and inclusion, sustainability, and progress, to assess children and youth’s physical literacy and physical competency levels. 

Level 1: FUNdamentals

Level 2 : Compressor

Level 3: PitchEngine


For the comprehensiveness of the sports performance evaluation and analysis, individuals should complete all previous levels of assessments before taking the advanced level assessments. 

Services Under Assessment


Upon the completion of each level assessment, a certificate co-certified by the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China (PFAHK) and Hong Kong Physical Education Teachers Society (HKPETS) will be issued to the participants as per application. 


To motivate our children and youth to be more physically active, literate, and participate in sports activities while enabling relevant organizations/parties to have greater insight for identifying talented individuals, PLACY provides a region-wide ranking system for the assessment participants.

With the assessment results obtained, assessment participants will be ranked according to their age and the norms across 18 districts in Hong Kong.

Consultations and Referrals (Propeller Program)

Collaborated with the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China (PFAHK), Hong Kong Physical Education Teachers Society (HKPETS), and sports science and physical education scholars and practitioners from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Propeller program aims to further develop the talented individuals’ potential in different sports and guides students to participate in continuous exercise and assessment, in order to help the government and/or various institutions to track talented individuals.

Under the Propeller program, a one-to-one consultation service will be provided, and if applicable, PLACY will refer and connect the talented individual to various sports associations across Hong Kong.