Welcome to Physical Literacy Academy for Children and Youth (PLACY)
Established in April 2022, Physical Literacy Academy for Children and Youth (PLACY) is a sports-related social enterprise funded by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. PLACY aims to nurture children and youth in Hong Kong into healthy, confident, happy, and active individuals through physical literacy, physical fitness, and sports talent assessments, certifications, awards, ranking, and consultation and referral services.
The Challenge
According to Hong Kong 2022 Report Card,
- Only 31% of children achieved international norms for cardio-respiratory fitness
- Less than 10% of children participated in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) a day, which recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)
Academic achievements have been more valued in our education system over other achievements, especially physical activity.
There is a lack of standardized, comprehensive, and well-developed physical fitness, physical literacy, and sports talent identification program and assessment in Hong Kong.

Our Solution
Through PLACY programmes, younger generations can have an earlier realization of their health conditions and enhance their awareness of the importance of sports in individuals’ lives.
Assessment results may also be set as sports talent identification (STI) for the possible selection of promising athletes with the goal of systematically maximizing their potential. Our programmes are more accessible to disadvantaged groups, thus increasing the pool of potential elite athletes in Hong Kong.
Key figures in 2022-23
- Held courses to train assessors
- Over 1000 people joined PLACY assessments
- Level 3 courses are expected to start in early 2024